Here are a bunch of links to resources I commonly access for OS related stuff:
Operating Systems Concepts 10th Ed.
- I use this as a primary source
Vim shortcuts
- Because Vim is not VSCode
- Where the assignments are
How do GPG and SSH keys work?
- Cool maths stuff I’ve learned and forgotten multiple times over
What are bash aliases?
- Because I’ve had to fix some stuff relating to aliases
The big GPT
- Very helpful tool to understand cryptic scripts and commands
Goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t: when it breaks
- Hey, Linus said that; I’m just corroborating what he said
Regex tester
- Practice witchcraft in the comfort of your own computer
Linux man pages online
- For when Stackoverflow doesn’t have your answers
Geeks for Geeks - C Pointers
- In case you forget what the asterisks and ampersands mean
Docusaurus Documentation
- It’s a cool project, try it out some time
What is Shared Memory?
- If you’re like me and need a slightly dumbed down explanation